
Do you struggle with:

Strained feelings in your relationship with your children

Reliving your mother’s life through your own relationships 

Unhealthy patterns or habits  that feel unbreakable

Repeating similar struggles that you witnessed you mother or grandmother go through

Challenging to be a loving parent all the  time


 For many of us our relationships with our mothers feel strained or tense. Maybe your mother was a single mother and she couldn’t provide the  nurturing love that your little one needed. Learning to  shut down parts of yourself because you never witnessed your mother  living her truth. Continuously, caught in a cycle of unhealthy ways,  she wasn’t able to be present. Adoption may be a  part of your life and you never got to connect with your birth mother.  


These core wounds impact every relationship, especially the one we have with ourselves. Affecting our self-love, our deservingness, our romantic partnerships , and our relationship to abundance.

Thinking, I’ve done years of self-work on these issues already and they still remain present?  There have been slight changes in your experience but  there still seems to be a huge gap between where you are and feeling free. Frustrated around talking about the same thing over and over again. Leaving a session or a weekend workshop, and that thing continues to feel like an impossible hurdle. 

What we may nott know is that we have unspoken loyalties, contracts, and ways we identify with family trauma and members that came before us. Those are the blocks that are stopping us from being able to move forward. 

In this 90 day workshop we will begin to remove the traumas and reset the order of the family so you have the freedom to move forward and do it differently. 


What You Will Learn & Receive In our 90 day Group Program: 


✓compassion for yourself, your family, and other people's family

✓clarity to move forth in your own way

✓the freedom to do it differently than your mother or grandmother

✓a deeper relationship to loving yourself and your children

✓a clear portal for the people who come after you to move through

✓reiki and energy healing

✓embodied movement to connect with the emotions that come up 

✓group support and accountability partners