The Pleasure Principle is a 90 day experience to resurrect your relationship to pleasure.
Does any of this feel familiar:
Spending most of your time trying to please everyone else in your life without even paying attention to what brings you the most pleasure?
Feeling a deep shame or disconnection from parts of your body?
Talking yourself out of consistently having the very best of things in your life, because you doubt you can actually conjure it or feel deserving of it?
Striving for validation with how much you get done every day even though you are physically exhausted, drained, and have nothing left to give?

What if you could actually let yourself off the hook, slow down and experience pleasure and fun with more ease and trust?

Don’t think for a second that I haven’t been right where you are! In fact at 27 I was dealing with adrenal fatigue and drinking 5 cups of coffee a day to stay awake. I was a celebrity makeup artist and I was constantly chasing the next client or high profile opportunity telling myself I would find my joy in money or status. And yet that never came. To fill that empty void I would spend time alone in my tiny one bedroom apartment with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s searching for some morsel of pleasure. It wasn’t until I spent 2 years consistently with a group of womxn that my life began to change. During that time my very protective walls began to come down, I shared my most vulnerable parts of myself and instead of being judged, what I said was actually valued. I was celebrated for my choices and my process was trusted instead of given advice and over-coached.

Everything I had wanted began to unfold, and for the first time, I discovered that I was deserving of them happening. I found myself developing healthier relationships with womxn and men. Traveling to places on my own that I promised I would only do with a romantic partner. Moving twice into my dream apartment with views of NYC (that were on my vision board for 2 years) and now my home in nature….JUST by following my pleasure. I became a mom which I was terrified of doing because I thought I would lose myself in having to be perfect, but I didn’t. So many changes happened and continue to happen because of what womxn reflect back to me that I can not see in myself. Very few of us can. It’s the rare beauty we receive when we come together.

You might be wondering how this can benefit me?
What can I really get from spending an extended amount of time with womxn. Here’s what happens to every client of mine that has come through this portal.

Benefits and transformations you can expect:
✓ Stopping to overthink and then overthinking some more (we’ve all been there)
✓ Going after your most wanted dreams and desires
✓ Owning your beauty no matter what society has told you what beauty is
✓ Building trust and faith that your life too can be filled with beauty and abundance
✓ Reconnecting with the organic sensual energy that is in your DNA that you may have forgotten
✓ Learning to no longer judge your emotions and instead make friends with your anger and grief as well as your uninhibited joy
✓ Cutting out the oldest story that you have to do it ALL ALONE

Here’s a recent testimonial from a client who came through The Pleasure Principle Program:
The Pleasure Principle introduced me to an entirely new way of living that was centered around my hearts desires, giving from a place of abundance and loving without expectation or reservation. Since joining the circle I have recreated my life by changing the stories I have around self-love, partnership, abundance & sensuality. I went from heartbroken, broke and living on friends couches to business owner, home owner and happily married to my soul mate in less than two years. That is the magic of this circle.” -Vanessa NYC

I’m happy that you’re here, and asking yourself the important questions like:
✓ when I look at my life, what is it I really desire (or have I forgot that I even have desires:)?
✓ How do I want to feel each morning when I wake up?
✓ What ways can pleasure and support assist my most coveted dreams and desires?
That is why I created The Pleasure Principle because left to our own devices we can scroll for hours on Instagram, or start our passion projects but then not have the support or belief that we can actually put it out to the world.

In our 90 days together you will be guided by myself and some of the amazing womxn I’ve had the pleasure to work alongside to help you:
Align your life with what brings you pleasure AND let go of people-pleasing
✓ Take risks that turn you on
✓ Spend time in a high vibrational sacred sisterhood container to hold space for you to step into your highest self
✓ Learn to receive instead of repel AND to recognize the gifts and opportunities
✓ Embody the divine feminine in all aspects of your life
✓ Develop a deeper sense of trust in yourself, others, and in life
✓ Uplevel your money conversations
✓ Free yourself from your family trauma
✓ Awaken your sexual seductress and sensuality
✓ How to make your space your sanctuary through feng-shui
✓ Deepening your relationship to self-love and developing fierce ass boundaries

Once you complete our 90 days together you will:
✓ Own the sh$$ out of your worth without doubting any parts of it
✓ Continuously choose yourself in ways that serve your highest good
✓ Trusting that abundance is your Goddess given BIRTHRIGHT
✓ Discover the most magical and gorgeous parts of yourself